Thanks for the perspective and so glad it is working out for you guys! However, there are a lot of elements that don’t make Phoenix (or many other places) right for everyone (e.g., massive urban sprawl, a political climate that is hostile to diversity, etc.). While being in the Bay Area may not have been right for you, for a great many startups, it’s the best move they could make. I’m not negating anything you said, but I would caution any startup to look beyond cost of living in making decisions about where they locate. I have a lot of family in Phoenix and Arizona — they all love it there. But for me, San Francisco is the best possible choice I could have made for locating my business. Any founder trying to figure out where to locate needs to do a very careful analysis of the pros and cons to determine what is going to be best in the short- and long-term. Too many people simply ‘jump on the bandwagon’ because that’s the new hot spot. In the end, many fail and regret their decision because they didn’t conduct an analysis. Again, not knocking your choice, just saying that just because it’s right for you, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be right for everyone else.